The clarity bracelet
The clarity bracelet
These two powerful crystals clear negative energy and aid in the decision-making process.
Labradorite's most renowned quality is known as labradorescence. This is what makes the stone transform from a bluish-gray to a show of neon illuminations in light.
A stone of transformation, Labradorite prepares body and soul for the ascension process. This highly mystical and protective stone raises consciousness and deflects unwanted energies from the aura, preventing energy leakage. Holding esoteric knowledge, it takes you into another world or into other lives. This crystal helps banish fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from previous disappointments, strengthening trust in the universe. Labradorite removes other people’s projections, including thought forms hooked into the aura. With Labradorite, analysis and rationality are balanced with inner sight. Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.
An effective crystal to overcome any form of disorganization, Fluorite draws off negative energies and stress, incorporating structure into daily life. It purifies and reorganizes anything within the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order, and cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It brings stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. Fluorite discerns when outside influences are at work and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence. Grounding and integrating spiritual energies, it promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers, making you aware of higher spiritual realities. It dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. An excellent learning aid, it increases concentration and promotes quick thinking and absorbtion of new information. This stone is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress and, appropriately positioned, blocks geopathic stress.
INFORMATION FROM: The Encyclopedia of Crystals, New Edition by Judy Hall
Please message me if you want a specific bracelet size.