Named after its finder, Sid Pieters of South Africa, Pietersite is said to hold “the keys to the kingdom of heaven” and promotes “walking your truth.” It reminds you that you are a spiritual being on a human journey, and can be used for a vision quest or shamanic journey. During moving meditations or Tai Chi, it accesses a high state of altered awareness. Said to dispel the illusion of individual separateness, it removes conditioning imposed by other people. Linking you to inner guidance, it tests the veracity of other people’s words. In past-life healing, Pietersite processes ancient conflicts and suppressed feelings and removes disease caused by not following one’s own truth. It releases you from vows and promises made in other lives that have carried over into the present.
INFORMATION FROM: The Encyclopedia of Crystals, New Edition by Judy Hall
COLOR: blue to gray and red to yellow and brown
CHAKRA: Solar plexus and third eye chakra
COMPANION CRYSTAL/ STONES: yellow Jasper, Sodalite, Black tourmaline, Tiger’s eye, Moldavite, Lapis lazuli
Please message me if you want a specific bracelet size.