Believed in ancient times to keep away evil spirits, Peridot is still a protective stone for the aura and a powerful cleanser. Releasing and neutralizing toxins, it purifies the subtle and physical bodies, and the mind. Showing how to detach oneself from outside influences and to look to your own higher energies for guidance, Peridot teaches that holding on to people, or the past, is counterproductive. This visionary crystal helps you understand your destiny and spiritual purpose. It is particularly helpful to healers
INFORMATION FROM: The Encyclopedia of Crystals, New Edition by Judy Hall
ORIGIN: Canada, Russia, USA, Italy, Pakistan, Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands
COLOR: Green
CHAKRA: Chakra Heart, solar plexus
COMPANION STONE/ CRYSTALS: rose quartz, citrine, pink opal, and blue topaz
Please message me if you want a specific bracelet size.